Hi, I’m Gill, an aspiring Web Developer with a background in
recruitment, most recently as part of in-house teams at tech companies
for five years.
After being made redundant and making the bold decision to pursue a
career change, I started my coding journey in Feb 2021 and am now
hooked! Since then, I’ve taught myself the fundamentals of HTML, CSS,
responsive web design, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, SASS, React, and
Redux and have developed a genuine enthusiasm for solving problems,
building things, and engaging my creative side.
As an effective communicator and team player adept at juggling
priorities, I’m now looking for opportunities that will help me hone
my technical skills. Ultimately, I would love to build memorable products and
solutions that have a positive impact on peoples’ lives.
Check out some of my latest projects below and find out more in my
Built while completing the freeCodeCamp Front End Development Libraries
Certification, JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification,
and Responsive Web Design Certification.
React | JavaScript | Bootstrap | HTML | CSS
Built and designed a Pomodoro timer (25 + 5 clock) with
start/stop/reset functionality, that displays the countdown timer,
sounds an alarm at the end of each period, and enables sessions
and breaks of up to 60 minutes.
React | JavaScript | HTML | CSS
Built and designed a fully functional basic calculator that
enables manipulation of (decimal) numbers using formula/expression
logic, observing consistent input formatting and order of
operation precedence.
React | JavaScript | Bootstrap | HTML | CSS
Built and designed a drum machine that plays a variety of sounds
and displays the associated audio description, with drum pads that
can be triggered by mouse click or corresponding keyboard keys.
React | JavaScript | Bootstrap | HTML | CSS
Built and designed a markdown previewer using the Marked library,
enabling GitHub flavoured markdown entered in the Editor to be
rendered as HTML in the Previewer.
React | JavaScript | Bootstrap | HTML | CSS
Built and designed a random quote machine that generates and
displays a new quote from a character in The Office (US) with each
click, with the functionality to tweet any favourites.
My first attempt at building and designing a portfolio after
completing the freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Certification,
showcasing other projects (product landing page, technical
documentation page, survey form, and tribute page) I created as
part of the course.